Category: Technical
Green Shipping: The Future of a Sustainable Shipping Industry
Shipping and maritime trade is a critical part of global trade, moving goods across the world’s oceans efficiently. But this efficiency usually comes with a significant environmental cost. Traditional shipping methods contribute to pollution and climate change. That’s why we need green shipping for a cleaner, more sustainable approach to the maritime industry. What is…
The Importance of Marine Lubricants and Engine Oils for Ship Engine Optimization
Marine lubricants and engine oils play an important role in ensuring the smooth operation and longevity of ships’ engines and equipment. While at sea, vessels can be exposed to extreme conditions and the need for engine lubrication becomes even more important. Without proper lubrication, particularly engine oils, the machinery on board can suffer from wear,…
Ballast Water Management: What Every Seafarer Needs to Know About IMO Regulations
Every vessel that operates across international waters, big or small, carries ballast water to maintain stability. While ballast water is important for safe and efficient maritime operations, it also poses significant environmental threats. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced regulations to control the discharge of ballast water to protect marine ecosystems from the spread…
How A Smart Propulsion System in Ships Revolutionizes the Maritime Industry
The shipping industry is at a critical stage in the present times, driven by the need to balance economic growth and efficiency with environmental responsibility. While the shipping sector contributes heavily to the global economy, it contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions, accounting to 3% of annual CO2 emissions. To address these challenges, shipping…
The Case for Nuclear Marine Propulsion for Cargo Ships
What is Nuclear Marine Propulsion? Nuclear marine propulsion refers to the use of nuclear power to generate heat and electricity to power a ship. It uses small-scale nuclear reactors to sustain controlled nuclear fission reactions that generate heat. The heat generates steam, which in turn powers turbines. The turbines are then used to power main…
Measuring Main Engine Bearing Clearances
Introduction Bearings support the load of various components while ensuring no metal-to-metal contact occurs between them. In this article, we take a look at how to measure the various bearing clearances in the main engine of a ship. Main Engine Clearances In the main engine, we must measure clearances of the main bearings, crank pin…
Propeller Cavitation – Reasons, effects and prevention
Understanding Propeller Cavitation – Principle, Causes, Effects and Prevention Introduction Propeller cavitation is a destructive phenomenon that can damage the propeller and the components around it such as the hull, rudder, and any other appendages. While the first instances of a working screw propeller go back to 200 BC, the theory of cavitation has been…
Stern Tube Explained | Location, Parts and Purpose
Stern Tube Explained | Location, Parts and Purpose Introduction Among the many different parts of the ship that serve a waterproofing function, the stern tube is the most important. In this article, we explore what it is, its location and purpose. What is the stern tube? The stern tube is a hollow tube that holds…
What is Cathodic Protection? Types of cathodic protection
What is Cathodic Protection? Types of cathodic protection Introduction Corrosion is a perennial problem for metals exposed to corroding elements such as seawater and chemicals. In shipping, if corrosion is allowed unabated development, it can lead to a quick erosion of metals in critical locations. As a result, staying on top of corrosion problems from…
What is Methane Slip in LNG Engines? Causes and Solutions
Methane Slip | Definition, Causes and How to Reduce Introduction The maritime industry has been moving towards greener shipping to reduce its carbon footprint for some time now. Along the way, we have seen many initiatives that can help us reduce our emissions by using cleaner fuel more efficiently. Some of these include shifting to…