Category: Technical

  • 12 Parts of a Marine Engine Explained With Pictures

    12 Parts of a Marine Engine Explained With Pictures

    Introduction The modern-day marine diesel engine is nothing short of a marvel. It propels humongous ships through rough seas without missing a beat. This robust machinery is so critical that 80 percent of the world’s trade by volume would come to a standstill without it[1]. In this article, we intend to break down the parts…

  • Boiler water treatment basics – Common issues and their modern solutions

    Boiler water treatment basics – Common issues and their modern solutions

    Introduction Steam generation ushered in a new era of the industrial revolution. It was now possible for us to power huge factories, dig deeper mines for resources and establish a more reliable transport network. Since then, the use of steam has been somewhat replaced by electricity but steam generators and boilers still hold a very…

  • Toolbox talk for ships – Essential parts and execution

    Toolbox talk for ships – Essential parts and execution

    Introduction A ship’s crew works in a range of dangerous situations. The job schedule on ships includes many critical tasks such as enclosed space entry, tank cleaning, bunkering, working at height, working overboard, hot work and maintenance tasks on critical equipment. Even seemingly simple tasks like painting can become hazardous on ships when it has…

  • Lockout Tagout (LOTO): 6 Steps to Use it Effectively for Safe Ships

    Lockout Tagout (LOTO): 6 Steps to Use it Effectively for Safe Ships

    Introduction From routine maintenance to breakdown, seafarers work on hazardous machines and equipment every day. Examples of such hazardous equipment could be steam pipelines, diesel generators, turbines, blowers, compressors, auto-start machinery and live circuits. Every ship is mandated to mitigate risks and hazards from these equipment as they pose a real danger to human life…