A selection of News & Articles

A Roundup of Maritime News and Updates

Reading different reports and articles spread across different channels is difficult for most of us, especially when we are busy executing our day-to-day tasks while also focusing on strategic goals.

To make it easy for our readers, Nautilus Shipping has put together this roundup of key news, updates, and reports from the world of shipping in one place and we hope you will find this useful and convenient.

This roundup covers the following updates:

  • The Top 10 Ship-Owning Nations in the World by Marine Insights
  • Seafarers Workforce Report, 2021 edition by International Chamber of Shipping
  • A Shipping Crisis of Maritime Labor Shortage by Bloomberg Opinion
  • The Review of Maritime Transport, 2021 by UNCTAD


According to Marine Insight’s update of November 2021, China has moved up from second place in January to occupy the top position as a ship-owning nation. China usurped Japan in this list, which moved to second position, followed Greece, USA, Singapore, Germany, South Korea, UK, Taiwan (China), and finally Norway.

Source: Marine Insights. Read more here.


The 2021 Seafarers Workforce Report has been prepared by the Baltic International Maritime Council (BIMCO) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). The report provides details on the global seafarer workforce supply and demand situation and is considered to be an essential tool for leaders involved in developing crewing and training strategies.

The 2021 edition contains:

  • Detailed estimates of the current supply and demand for seafarers for the world fleet, including country-specific figures;
  • Details of the demographic composition of the supply of seafarers;
  • Forward projections for the likely supply and demand situations over the next five years; and
  • Identification of various maritime training, recruitment, and retention trends and their potential consequences.

Source: International Chamber of Shipping. Read more here.


In his article of November 2021, Bloomberg Opinion columnist Adam Minter predicts that hiring in the shipping industry will get a lot tougher due to the pandemic and cargo backlog.

A total of 74,000 merchant ships in the world are operated by 1.89 million seafarers. While long hours, away from land for long periods, homesickness have always affected the industry, the pandemic has created new and extremely difficult working conditions for them – both physical and mental. Due to Covid, seafarers were stuck on their ships and some, for as long as 17 months. Covid has also made the task of recruiting and retaining seafarers substantially harder. As a result of all the challenges, experts have warned of a severe labor shortage if the attractiveness of the job wanes.

Source: Bloomberg Opinion. Read here.

The Review of Maritime Transport is an UNCTAD flagship report, published annually since 1968. It provides an analysis of structural and cyclical changes affecting seaborne trade, ports, and shipping, as well as an extensive collection of statistics from maritime trade and transport.

This edition of the ‘Review’ covers data and events from January 2020 until June 2021. It also focuses on the pandemic’s impact on the industry and dedicates a chapter to examine the challenges faced by seafarers in view of the crewing crisis.

The 2021 edition of the report has 6 main chapters:

  1. International maritime and port traffic
  2. Maritime transport and infrastructure
  3. Freight rates, maritime transport costs and their impact on prices
  4. Key performance indicators for ports and the shipping fleet
  5. The COVID-19 seafarer crisis
  6. Legal and regulatory developments and the facilitation of maritime trade

The chapters are supported with extensive tables and figures. A comprehensive glossary of abbreviations is also added.

Source: UNCTAD. Read here.



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